

Prename Name: 

Federico Torres

Job / Function: 

Music Producer, Mutek Chile


I´m really sad to hear the news of what could happen to Musikprotokoll.As a festival they have been an important reference to artists, producers and music enthusiasts from around the world on new way to present and experience music and its associated (international festival al of digital creativity from Chile) they represent not only an inspiration but have also been a strong support on the development, conceptualization and even curation of our festival.specifically during the 2011 festival Musikprotokoll was a key figure in the development of our young festival as they worked as a link to European artists, institutions and financing strategies.we have seen this kind of austerity measures around the globe, with different results, but if this means the destruction of institutions that help giving dynamism and international impact to the local culture environment we can clearly state that the costs of this measure are way higher than the actual savings done. sadly, Federico Torres, Chile