This website is an initiative from steirischen herbst.
steirischer herbst festival gmbh
Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria
steirischer herbst festival gmbh is the operator of the online platform available at The platform is a portal for collecting signatures on the Internet for a petition to save ORF musikprotokoll. Visitors to the website can support this petition. The personal details provided by the user when signing the petition, i.e. first name, last name, profession, nationality, personal statement, and email address, will be used by steirischer herbst festival gmbh solely for the purpose of creating a petition.
steirischer herbst festival gmbh will try to keep the content up to date. With regard to data provided by third parties, steirischer herbst festival gmbh is not liable for the content, its being up to date, correct and permissible. The author of these posts bears the sole responsibility and liability for all publications of entries on this website. If you should come across any questionable content despite all precautions, please inform us about this by email. We will look into your message immediately and remove the illegal or immoral content or block access to it.
By signing the petition you agree to having your personal details, i.e. name, profession, nationality, personal statement, and email address, processed and saved. You also agree to having the data published forwarded to ORF.
By signing you agree to the above conditions. You can revoke this consent at any time. You can also refuse to have the data used, including parts thereof, at any time.
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